Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Floor Pan Replacement

Chassis Headed out for blasting 

And through the miracle of time lapse - returning a couple of months later freshly media blasted and coated in epoxy primer

Getting to work on the floor pan replacement - all four quadrants needed to be replaced along with some of the footwell areas and rocker panel inners (more on that later). Miraculously, outer rocker panels are almost perfect on this car.

 Driver's floor pan cut out.  pretty nasty.
 Drivers' side rocker inner patched up
 Footwell patched up

 New sheetmetal on driver's side floor

On to the passenger side.  Notice the ugly hole in the door sill/rocker panel - more on that later

 Some genius decided that he/she wanted to bolt the jack point to the rocker from the inside and butchered the door sill, and the structural supporting beam that is located inside it.  This will be a bit of work to fix...

 Passenger floor installed

 Now the back floors...

 Repairing the seat rail supports

 On to the passenger side rocker panel and jack point area

 Fixed the structural beam by welding in a patch

 Welded the jack point onto something solid.
 created a patch panel for the door sill

 More work on the passenger side rocker panel at the front of the car

 cutting out rusted metal on the front cowl where the fender is supposed to bolt on to

 Patching in some new metal there

 back to that door sill. repaired the inner door sill area where that beam was repaired with yet another patch.

 Front cowl area repaired. something solid for the fender to bolt to.